Join Us On Wednesdays!

Lakeville Campus - 7:45 PM | Northfield Campus - 7:45 PM | Rosemount Campus - 7:45 PM | Shakopee Campus - 7:45 PM

Living The Faith

We want to challenge students to live their faith, making the hope and heartbeat of Jesus evident in every area of their lives. We don't just want them to know facts about their faith but to live it as they develop a personal relationship with God.

In High School Ministry, students will experience engaging worship, dynamic teaching, prayer ministry, serving opportunities, and interactive small groups designed to help them reflect Jesus and his love for all people.

We hope you'll join us as we learn what it means to be people who find their identity in Jesus and are empowered by the Holy Spirit to impact our world.

Mile Markers for High Schoolers

Along a student's journey, they will encounter important milemarkers of their faith. As a church, we support them along this path and celebrate the turning points in their walk with Jesus.
  • Retreats
  • Impact Trips
  • Graduation celebrations: an acknowledgment of seniors at a pivotal time in life

High School
Community Groups

Make lasting friendships with people who care about you and want to grow together. Small groups are your chance to go deeper and connect all your learning in church with your real life.

Registration for 2024-2025 is now open! Register at your campus! 
September 2024 - May 2025 | 7:45 PM - 9:15 PM

Lakeville HSM Registration | Northfield HSM Registration | Rosemount HSM Registration | Shakopee HSM Registration

Lead a High School Community Group
A leader models an authentic growing faith in Jesus Christ that is contagious for students and encourages their discipleship. We are passionate about providing our High School students with discipleship opportunities where they can come alongside younger students while growing in their leadership abilities and spiritual lives. Students 9-12th grade are invited to serve as small group leaders in middle school.

Lakeville HSM Leader | Northfield HSM Leader | Rosemount HSM Leader | Shakopee HSM Leader


All students are expected to attend the Student Ministries Retreat with their small group. The retreat will happen in the Fall of every year.

Trout Lake Camps | November 15-17 | REGISTER

We are excited to be heading to Trout Lake Camps for our HSM retreat for the first time this year! This weekend is bound to be a meaningful highlight of the school year for our HSM students.
*** If you sign up BEFORE September 18th, input the code EARLYBIRD at checkout to get $25 off!

Students entering 8th grade: At least one retreat is required for Confirmation. However, please remember that these are deeply impactful weekends for both students’ relationship with Christ and their relationship with their small group. We place a high value on our retreats and encourage participation EVERY year.

Retreats are key milemarkers for students embracing and living the faith in Middle School and High School Ministries.

Impact Trips

Grow in your faith by living it out in your community and worldwide. Impact trips are where you will experience and share the hope and heartbeat of Jesus through unmatched experiences with other students, leaders, and those you meet along the way.

Student Leadership

We are passionate about providing you with discipleship opportunities where you can come alongside younger students while growing in your own leadership ability and spiritual life. As a high school student, you are invited to serve as a student leader in middle school small groups.

Lakeville Leader Registration | Northfield Leader Registration

High School Ministry Staff

Student Ministries Director
Lakeville Student Ministries Director
Northfield Student Ministries Director
Rosemount Student Ministries Director
Shakopee Student Ministries Director
Lakeville Student Ministries Groups Coordinator
Lakeville Student Ministries Coordinator
Associate Student Ministries Coordinator