Beginning to grow

Followers of Jesus are invited into a life of continual growth, with the goal of looking more and more like Jesus. We begin by Exploring who Jesus is, then discovering what it means to truly Follow him. We are then called to Invest our lives into others and Multiply the hope and heartbeat of Jesus where we live, work, study, and play.
While we acknowledge that Growing in faith is rarely a linear journey, at Hosanna we love to help people move along the Jesus pathway.

The two primary environments to Grow are Hosanna Community Groups
and Hosanna Courses.

Hosanna community groups

People grow faster and deeper, when they do so within the context of community.  Hosanna community groups meet regularly to learn, support and challenge one another to look more like Jesus, and multiply his hope and heartbeat.


Hosanna offers a variety of courses, throughout the year, that allow participants to learn and grow around a particular topic.